Managing Back Pain at a Young Age

Low back pain is not often considered to be a potential problem among young adults. So when back pain strikes at a young age, it comes as a surprise and a source of confusion as to the cause. In our youth, we may think we are indestructible, but it is not uncommon for back pain to appear in our twenties and thirties.

Most often, back pain experienced at a young age is the result of overly strenuous exercising, a job that requires lifting objects that are too heavy, or a sudden awkward movement such as bending over to pick up a toddler. This type of back pain is usually due to Back Strain.

5 simple tips to help keep your spine as healthy as possible

1. Let your spine really rest while sleeping.

While you’re lying down, all the structures in your spine that have worked hard all day finally have an opportunity to relax and be rejuvenated. To make the most of this time, you need a mattress and pillows that allow your spine to rest in a supported and comfortable way.

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